The Myocarditis Foundation would like to introduce and welcome Christopher Corso to you as our latest member of the Myocarditis Foundation Board of Directors!

Chris has a 12 year old son who contracted Viral Myocarditis in May 2015. While his son is much improved, he continues his battle against it today. Chris found out about the Foundation through an internet search on myocarditis and has been very involved with us ever since.

Chris is an executive in the insurance/reinsurance industry, currently employed at XL Catlin. He is working on creating an annual event to raise awareness and generate funds for research to put an end to myocarditis as we know it today.

Please join us in welcoming Chris to our Myocarditis Foundation Family and Board of Directors. Thank you so very much Chris, together we can make a difference!

Christopher Corso

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800 Rockmead Drive, Suite 155
Kingwood, TX 77339
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