Co-Founder, Director
Brief info

Credentials: Candace Moose is a giant cell myocarditis survivor and heart transplant recipient. She is a retired nurse and a wife, mother, and grandmother. She also is a speaker and advocate for organ donation and is the author of the book The Grateful Heart: Diary of a Heart Transplant

I serve on the Board of Directors of the Myocarditis Foundation because I want to put an end to the suffering this disease wreaks on patients and families. I am passionate, driven, and fully committed both programmatically and financially to try to make a difference. This disease caused so much suffering in my family and in every family that contacts us from all over the world. I pray that the work we do will someday result in greater awareness of the disease, faster diagnostics and better treatments leading to more lives saved and decreased suffering.

Contact Us

Contact Us

(281) 713-2962
800 Rockmead Drive, Suite 155
Kingwood, TX 77339
[email protected]

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