The Myocarditis Foundation awards grants for one year research fellowships to study myocarditis with the aim of encouraging young PhD and MD scientists to pursue a career involving myocarditis. As well as financial support the Foundation also provides mentoring support with career advice and assistance with networking. Recently one of our grant recipients, Dr. Bettina Heidecker MD, was highlighted in an article in a prestigious scientific journal the European Heart Journal (reference Eur Heart J (2015) 36:398-403). In this article Bettina states that “Myocarditis is a disease affecting many young individuals. Currently we lack sufficient understanding of its pathophysiology to improve specific treatment. With current standard diagnostic techniques a large number of patients with myocarditis remain under-diagnosed and therefore do not receive appropriate treatment.” Bettina’s research received funding support not only from the Myocarditis Foundation but also from the American Heart Association. She received a Samuel A. Levine Award and a Jay N. Cohn New Investigator Award based on her research findings. She mentions in her article how important funding from the MF and mentoring from Dr. Leslie Cooper MD and Dr. DeLisa Fairweather PhD, MF Board Members, was for her career success. She currently is a Cardiology Fellow at UCSF and plans “to combine research, clinical work, and teaching” in her career. MF grant recipients who have become Assistant Professors in Faculty positions include Dr. Daniela Cihakova MD, PhD at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Dr. David Marchant, PhD at the University of Alberta Canada. We are proud of the success of all of our grant recipients.