Susan and Greg Knight lost their adult daughter, Sarah, suddenly to Viral Myocarditis in September 2011. That changed their lives forever.
The word myocarditis struck fear and sadness in their hearts, and they decided to do something to prevent others from suffering what they had gone through.
Sarah’s favorite quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, that gave her family the courage to try to do this was: “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” It has inspired tens of millions to face their fears and dare to follow their hearts, including the Knight Family of Marion, Iowa.
Eleven years ago in 2012, the Knight Family started the Sarah Knight Memorial Golf Tournament in her memory. The tournament would be in support of Fellowship Grants in Myocarditis to the Myocarditis Foundation and scholarships to Bi-Lingual Elementary Education majors at Western Illinois University, where she received her teaching degree.
Since then, with the support of their family, friends, business associates, etc. they have raised over $300,000 for these Foundations. Dr. Leslie Cooper was the Guest Speaker at this years event.
The Knight Family has supported 3 Research Grants for Myocarditis Research, which they believe is the key to finding the answers to fighting this disease. They are halfway to their 4th Research Grant with this years’ event.
The Myocarditis Foundation cannot thank the Knight Family enough for all their hard work and continued support!
Mark your calendar for next year’s event: Jun 7, 2024, in Marion, Iowa.