APRIL 2011 Through January 2012

Myocarditis Awareness Days, held for the first time starting in April 2011, is an event created to raise awareness both nationally and internationally, among physicians and the public, calling attention to this rare disease that is one of the leading causes of sudden death in young adults. Myocarditis is a rare disease that affects healthy babies, children, youth and adults often causing heart damage which can lead to heart failure or death. Because it is a rare disease it has not received funding for research that other more common diseases garner.

The Myocarditis Foundation, found at myocarditis.viewsamplesite.com, is hosting this international event. Loved ones, health professionals and researchers are encouraged to join the campaign to raise awareness. The goal of this event is to raise enough money to fund a myocarditis research grant, totally$35,000. It is our hope that someday myocarditis research will result in more lives saved.

Go to the Myocarditis Foundation website to purchase Myocarditis Awareness Month gear such as: wristbands, tee shirts, pens and bookmarks. Become a partner, supporter, and friend of the Myocarditis Foundation on Facebook, Twitter and the MF website and agree to spread awareness, to promote the event and to support the theme: Knowledge Nurtures Hope.

How can you help?

  • Email the Myocarditis Foundation at: Lindsey(at)myocarditis.viewsamplesite.com or call at (732) 295-3700 to receive free educational brochures, to be placed on our mailing list to receive the biannually published newsletter or for questions.
  • Ask your local restaurant(s) to host an Awareness Days event where a percentage of income will be donated to the MF.
  • Make a donation in honor of a loved one.
  • Write letters telling friends about how this disease has affected someone you care about.
  • Get your company to give matching funds along with your donation.
  • Patients and families who have lost loved ones to the disease or who are living with myocarditis victims are encouraged to share their stories on Facebook and Twitter and are invited to share the photographs of their fundraising events on Flickr to help others understand the impact of this disease.
  • Share with others awareness events going on in your community.
  • Go to the Myocarditis Foundation website to obtain downloadable posters for you to print and postin your community and a downloadable email banner for you to attach to emails to your friends andfamily.
  • Supporters are encouraged to tell ten people a day about myocarditis.
  • Host a fundraiser in your community.
Contact Us

Contact Us

(281) 713-2962
800 Rockmead Drive, Suite 155
Kingwood, TX 77339
[email protected]

Social Media


Help Us End Suffering and Sudden Death from Myocarditis!

Donate to the Myocarditis Foundation Today!