On Monday August 1st, the Myocarditis Foundation hosted their 9th Annual Golf Outing, co-hosted by Joseph 20160801_181332_1470667444752Rumore and Louis Romano, Jr.

The outing was held this year at Arcola Country Club, Paramus, New Jersey. In spite of the rains that occurred over the weekend leading up to it, the sky cleared and it was a beautiful day for the 99 golfers who participated. The continued generosity that they show for the Myocarditis Foundation helped to raise the most that the outing has ever done before.


By their support, the Myocarditis Foundation can continue their Mission of Education, Research and Emotional Support of those who have been affected by Myocarditis.

Among the players were Christopher and Matthew Corso.  Matthew, a 13 year old myocarditis survivor, received a warm round of applause and standing ovation from the other players at dinner. This was the first 18 holes of golf that Matthew had ever played.

20160801_105034_1470667549737Dr. Leslie Cooper, of the Mayo Clinic, met with the golfers during lunch and spoke before the 1:00 PM shot-gun start. Dr. DeLisa Fairweather, also of the Mayo Clinic, spoke during dinner about the research that is being done to find an early detection tool for myocarditis, hopefully to gain a more definitive early diagnosis of the disease helping provide for better outcomes.

MF 2016 Golf outing 2


Joe Rumore and son







MF 2016 Golf outing


The Registration Crew of Dr. DeLisa Fairweather, Eileen Zamerovsky, Diane Lee, Gen Rumore, and Fran Andrea.

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