While most people were celebrating Thanksgiving and doing some early Holiday Shopping, there were many cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons collaborating in Seoul, Korea.

The CHORUS Conference, was the first Congress to gather cardiologists and surgeons from around the world together to collaborate on the importance of each member of the cardiac treatment team.

This year, Dr. Leslie Cooper, Dr. Bettina Heidecker, and Dr. DeLisa Fairweather were among those that were sharing their research on Myocarditis and other cardiac diseases with others from around the world and helping each other with the next steps needed to improve the care for Myocarditis patients.

It was a very important conference linking the Myocarditis Foundation with so many specialists globally and sharing the important role that the Myocarditis Foundation plays in the treatment of Myocarditis.

A quote from Dr. Leslie Cooper: “It is a really good meeting from the standpoint of myocarditis collaboration.”

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