
Vitamin D Homeostasis in Sarcoidosis

Status: Recruiting

Location: University of Texas Southwestern

Conditions: University of Texas Southwestern


Dallas, Texas

Contact Information:

Name: Connie Hsia, MD
Phone Number: 2146483426
Email: [email protected]

Name: Khashayar Sakhaee, MD
Phone Number: 2146480324
Email: [email protected]

Brief Summary
This study evaluates the relationship between vitamin-D status and severity of sarcoidosis, and the effects of vitamin-D repletion in vitamin-D insufficient patients with sarcoidosis. Half the patients with sarcoidosis who are vitamin-D insufficient will receive standard vitamin-D supplementation via standard regimen while the other half will receive a placebo. Sarcoidosis patients who are vitamin-D sufficient will also act as controls.
Detailed Description

Sarcoidosis is a multi-system inflammatory disease characterized by T-helper lymphocyte hyperactivity leading to granulomatous inflammation. The granuloma cells autonomously convert 25-hydroxy-vitamin-D (25OHD) to the active metabolite 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin-D (1,25OH2D) independent of normal feedback control but dependent on substrate (25OHD) concentration.

Circulating 1,25OH2D exerts both anti-inflammatory and mineral metabolic actions. Deficiency of 25OHD limits substrate-dependent 1,25OH2D synthesis, diminishes anti-antigenic innate immunity and augments pro-inflammatory adaptive immunity. Thus, low vitamin-D stores could aggravate sarcoid inflammation while repletion of vitamin-D stores could mitigate inflammation in sarcoidosis.

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Diagnostic Utility of SGLT1/​2 Inhibition to Facilitate Myocardial Glucose Suppression

Status: Recruiting

Location: University of Pennsylvania

Conditions: University of Pennsylvania


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Contact Information:

Name: Mary E Hansbury, BS
Phone Number: 2157468192
Email: [email protected]

Name: Erin Schubert, BA
Phone Number: 215-573-6569
Email: [email protected]

Brief Summary: This is a pilot mechanistic study of the diagnostic utility of sodium-glucose cotransporter-1/2 inhibition (SGLT1/2) on myocardial glucose suppression on FDG PET/CT. The investigators will test whether the addition of a SGLT1/2 inhibitor (SGLT1/2i) plus the standard dietary modification (ketogenic diet) will provide enhanced myocardial glucose suppression. The primary objective is to assess rates of complete myocardial glucose suppression (MGS) with 7 days of sotagliflozin 400 mg QD among healthy volunteers on a background of 1 day (N=20) or 3 days (N=20) of the KD. The secondary goal is to investigate the relationship between sotagliflozin, targeted metabolite levels, and myocardial glucose utilization on FDG-PET.

Participants will be asked to:

    • undergo a screening visit that includes blood tests, vitals, and questions regarding health history/medications
    • take the provided sotagliflozin as instructed for 7 days leading up to the scan
    • follow a ketogenic diet as instructed for 1 or 3 days leading up to the scan
    • undergo an FDG PET/CT scan, which includes vitals and blood draws

Detailed Description The purpose of this mechanistic pilot study is to evaluate the effect on myocardial glucose suppression, and therefore on image quality, with the addition of a brief course of an FDA approved SGLT1/2 inhibitor prior to FDG PET/CT scan. FDG PET/CT is a clinically utilized scan for diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis following the standard diet and fasting requirements, this study will test the addition of the 7 days of sotagliflozin prior to the scan.

Sotagliflozin (INPEFA™) is a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor (SGLT1/2i) Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor that has been studied in humans and is FDA approved for reduce the risk of cardiovascular death, hospitalization for heart failure, and urgent heart failure visit in adults with heart failure or type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and other cardiovascular risk factors. In this study, the investigators will be using it “off-label” in healthy volunteers and will be using only a short course (approximately 1 week) of the drug prior to the FDG PET/CT PET scan. “Off-label” use is when an FDA approved drug is prescribed for a condition/use other than that for which the drug has been officially approved. Therefore, the study will be utilizing sotagliflozin in way that it has yet to be approved for by the FDA.

The investigators may enroll up to 40 fully evaluable healthy volunteers. A fully evaluable subject must complete the PET/CT scan. Subjects who do not complete the PET/CT scan will not be counted as fully evaluable, however, collected data may still be used in some secondary analyses. The participants will be aged at least 18 years old. After completing a screening visit and meeting study eligibility, each participant will undergo an FDG PET scan after taking sotagliflozin for 7 (up to 10 maximum) days and following a ketogenic diet for either 1 day (N=20) prior to the scan with overnight fasting or 3 days (N=20) prior to the scan with overnight fasting. Enrollment of the 20 participants undergoing 3 days of KD is dependent on sufficient funding, and therefore initial efforts will be targeted toward enrolling participants in the 1 day of KD stratum. Participants will be asked to track when they have taken the sotagliflozin in a provided diary.

FDG PET/CT imaging will be used to evaluate glycolytic activity in the heart using the FDA approved clinical Positron Emission Tomography (PET) radiotracer, [18F] Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Imaging will be done on a dedicated whole-body PET scanner. For each PET scan, dynamic images over the body will be acquired from the time of injection to up to 60 minutes after injection of FDG. Imaging data will be processed as per standard protocols. The study will be performed under the regulatory approval of the Penn Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Participants will undergo an FDG PET/CT after taking 7 (up to 10 maximum) days of oral sotagliflozin overlapping with 1 or 3 day(s) of dietary modification (standard ketogenic diet) and overnight fasting prior to FDG injection.

For all subjects, the investigators may measure blood levels of BHB, lipids, basic metabolic panel, complete blood counts HbA1c, free fatty acid, acylcarnitine, glucose, and insulin at screening, some of these tests will be repeated on the day of the scan. The investigators plan to use the Penn Metabolomics Core and Penn Diabetes Radioimmunoassay and Biomarkers Core for sample processing. Since intravenous access will be obtained for administration of the tracer on the day of the PET scan, a blood draw will be performed from this line. Thereafter, the investigators will perform comprehensive, targeted metabolomic profiling from this peripheral blood so the study team can correlate myocardial suppression with other metabolic markers. Most of the research testing will occur at later dates with stored samples. The lab test results that may be entered in the medical record include BHB, lipids, basic metabolic panel, complete blood counts and glucose. Other experimental test results will not be provided to the subjects.

Participants will be asked to follow a standard prescribed ketogenic diet and keep a diet diary during the KD prior to the FDG PET visit, this diet matches the clinical SOC pre-scan preparation for sarcoidosis. On the day of FDG-PET, the diet diary will be collected and reviewed by an investigator. The diet will also be reviewed, usually at a later date, by a CHPS nutritional specialist and information reported by the subject will be used to perform meal analysis and estimate grams of fat, protein and carbohydrates.

This is a single institution, pilot mechanistic study of FDG PET/CT to determine optimal method of myocardial glucose suppression. Patients may participate in this study if they are greater than 18 years of age. Subjects that may meet eligibility criteria will be approached about study participation regardless of race or ethnic background.


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Rilonacept in Subjects with Cardiac Sarcoidosis

Status: Recruiting

Location: Johns Hopkins University, Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Conditions: Johns Hopkins University, Mayo Clinic in Rochester


Baltimore, Maryland

Rochester, Minnesota

Contact Information:

Lezlie Peterson, R.N.
Phone Number: 507-255-2029
Email: [email protected]

Brief Summary: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of rilonacept, added to standard therapy and compared with standard therapy alone, on improvement in myocardial inflammation in subjects with cardiac sarcoidosis after 24 weeks of therapy.


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FDG-PET As an Imaging Modality to Diagnose and Risk Stratify Subclinical, Imaging Negative Ici-Myocarditis

Status: Recruiting

Location: Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Conditions: Mayo Clinic in Rochester


Rochester, Minnesota

Contact Information:

Clinical Trials Referral Office
Phone Number:
Email: [email protected]

Brief Summary: The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate Fluorodeoxyglucose – Positron Emission Tomography (FDG-PET) as an imaging modality to diagnose and risk stratify subclinical, imaging negative ICI-myocarditis, and to determine whether subclinical ICI-induced myocarditis is a distinct and clinically relevant entity with a risk of progression to fulminant myocarditis.


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A Study to Learn About The COVID-19 (Study) Vaccine (Called COMIRNATY) in People That Are Less Than 21 Years Old.

Status: Recruiting

Location: Boston Children's Hospital, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Egleston, Children's Hospital & Clinics of Minn, Children's Hospital - New Orleans, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Children's Hospital of Colorado, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Children's Mercy - Kansas City, Children's Minnesota, Children's National Hospital- Washington D.C., Children's of Alabama - Birmingham, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Columbia University Medical Center, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Duke University Medical Center, FL, Indiana University, Indiana University School of Medicine, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, Lurie Children's Hospital, Medical University of South Carolina (Musc) - Childrens Hospital, Nemours Children's Hospital Delaware, Northwell Health- Cohen Children's Medical Center, Phoenix Children's Hospital, Portland, Primary Children's - Salt Lake City, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle Children's Hospital & Research Institute, Texas Children's Hospital, The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Michigan Hospital-Mott Children's Hospital, Valley Children's Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine

Conditions: Boston Children's Hospital, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Egleston, Children's Hospital & Clinics of Minn, Children's Hospital - New Orleans, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Children's Hospital of Colorado, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Children's Mercy - Kansas City, Children's Minnesota, Children's National Hospital- Washington D.C., Children's of Alabama - Birmingham, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Columbia University Medical Center, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Duke University Medical Center, FL, Indiana University, Indiana University School of Medicine, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, Lurie Children's Hospital, Medical University of South Carolina (Musc) - Childrens Hospital, Nemours Children's Hospital Delaware, Northwell Health- Cohen Children's Medical Center, Phoenix Children's Hospital, Portland, Primary Children's - Salt Lake City, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle Children's Hospital & Research Institute, Texas Children's Hospital, The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Michigan Hospital-Mott Children's Hospital, Valley Children's Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine


Birmingham, Alabama

Phoenix, Arizona

Los Angeles, California

Madera, California

Palo Alto, California

Aurora, Colorado

Harford, Connecticut

Wilmington, Delaware

Washington, DC

Hollywood, Florida

Atlanta, Georgia

Chicago, Illinois

Indianapolis, Indiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Boston, Massachusetts

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Detroit, Michigan

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Kansas City, Missouri

Saint Louis, Missouri

New Hyde Park, New York

New York, New York

Durham, North Carolina

Cincinatti, Ohio

Portland, Oregon

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Charleston, South Carolina

Houston, Texas

Salt Lake City, Utah

Seattle, Washington

Toronto, Ontario

Contact Information:

Pfizer Call Center
(800) 718-1021
email: [email protected]

Brief Summary

The purpose of this clinical trial is to learn about the safety and effects of the study vaccine (called COMIRNATY) for the potential prevention of COVID-19. This study is seeking participants who:

      1. Are age <21 years.
      2. Have presentation to participating medical center with evaluation in Emergency Room and/or hospitalization.
      3. Received either the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or booster dose(s) of COMIRNATY within 7 days of symptom onset.
      4. Meet criteria of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention case definition of probable or confirmed myocarditis/pericarditis
      5. Are capable of giving signed informed consent/assent (by parents/legal guardians of minors and/or patients), which includes compliance with the requirements and restrictions listed in the Informed Consent/Assent Document and in this protocol OR meets criteria for waiver of consent.

This study will examine the potential long-term effects associated with myocarditis/pericarditis following vaccination with COMIRNATY. The association of myocarditis/pericarditis in participants who received the study vaccine (COMIRNATY) compared with those associated with COVID-19 will also be examined. This will help us determine if COMIRNATY is safe and effective, and if there is a myocarditis/pericarditis association that should be noted. Participants will take part in this study for up to 5 years. During this time, they will receive complete cardiac imaging tests, and have follow up visits per guidance stated in the study protocol.

Detailed Description:

This is a low-interventional cohort study to determine cardiac and non-cardiac long-term outcomes of persons <21 years of age with myocarditis/pericarditis after the administration of COMIRNATY, compared with similarly aged persons with myocarditis/pericarditis associated with COVID-19, including MIS-C.

To be classified as having COMIRNATY-associated myocarditis/pericarditis, a person must 1) meet the CDC case definition for probable or confirmed myocarditis/pericarditis, 2) have received any dose of COMIRNATY ≤ 7 days of symptom onset, and 3) have no other plausible alternative etiology at the time of enrollment.

To be classified as having myocarditis/pericarditis associated with COVID-19, a person must have 1) either acute severe COVID-19 infection or MIS-C, as defined by the CDC, 2) findings of probable or confirmed myocarditis in the CDC definition, 3) no other plausible alternative etiology. A description of the three cohorts is as follows:

Cohort 1: Prospectively ascertained cases of probable or confirmed myocarditis/pericarditis associated with COMIRNATY , i.e., participants enrolled under protocol during hospitalization or </= 2 weeks of hospital discharge.

Cohort 2: Retrospectively ascertained cases of probable or confirmed myocarditis/pericarditis associated with COMIRNATY , i.e., participants enrolled > 2 weeks after hospital discharge. Participants can be retrospectively ascertained and enrolled at any time from their COMIRNATY-associated myocarditis/pericarditis.

Cohort 3: Comparator cohort of COVID-19- related myocarditis/pericarditis , including MIS-C, both retrospectively and prospectively ascertained, and enrolled at any time from their COVID-19 or MIS-C associated myocarditis/pericarditis diagnosis.

Participants in all cohorts will be those who present to participating medical centers for care. This study is a collaboration between the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)’s Pediatric Heart Network (PHN) and Pfizer.

Enrollment will include approximately 300 prospectively and retrospectively ascertained cases of children, adolescents, and young adults <21 years of age who receive care for myocarditis/pericarditis associated with COMIRNATY (Cohort 1 and 2); and approximately 100 persons <21 years of age with COVID -19-associated myocarditis/pericarditis, including MIS-C (Cohort 3).

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Feasibility of Semaglutide in Advanced Lung Disease

Status: Recruiting

Location: University of Pennsylvania

Conditions: University of Pennsylvania


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Contact Information:

Michaela R Anderson, MD
[email protected]

Brief Summary: The goal of this clinical trial is to learn whether semaglutide, an FDA-approved treatment for diabetes and obesity, is feasible and tolerable in patients with advanced lung disease.

The main question[s] it aims to answer are:

      1. Are patients with advanced lung disease able to tolerate semaglutide therapy?
      2. Are we able to titrate semaglutide therapy to a target weight?

Participants will be asked to perform pulmonary function, physical function and body composition testing, as well as a blood draw before and after 12-weeks of semaglutide therapy. While on therapy, subjects will be surveyed regarding any adverse events or side effects.

Detailed Description:  This is a small open-label pilot clinical trial of semaglutide in adults (age 18 or older, n=8) with obesity (BMI≥30 kg/m2), and chronic advanced lung disease (interstitial lung disease, sarcoidosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or pulmonary hypertension requiring supplemental oxygen on exertion). This study will evaluate medication adherence and side effects to determine semaglutide tolerability. Markers of physical function and pulmonary function will be evaluated before therapy and after 12 weeks of therapy to determine the effect of semaglutide on function. Measures of fat and muscle, will be performed before therapy and after 12 weeks of therapy to evaluate how semaglutide alters body composition in this population. Study participants will be monitored for 12 weeks while receiving semaglutide therapy.

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Efficacy and Safety Study of OATD-01 in Patients With Active Pulmonary Sarcoidosis

Status: Recruiting

Location: Molecure Investigative Site

Conditions: Molecure Investigative Site


Birmingham, Alabama

Kansas City, Kansas

Baltimore, Maryland

Rochester, Minnesota

Cleveland, Ohio

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Charleston, South Carolina

Contact Information:

Theodoros Charitos, MD
[email protected]

Brief Summary:

This is a Phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, adaptive, multicenter study to evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability, Pharmacodynamics (PD), and Pharmacokinetics (PK) of OATD-01 in the treatment of subjects with active pulmonary sarcoidosis.

Detailed Description:

Adult subjects (≥ 18 years of age) diagnosed with symptomatic pulmonary sarcoidosis and active granulomatous process captured by [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron emission tomography/computed tomography ([18F]FDG PET/CT) imaging, treatment-naïve or previously treated but currently untreated, will be enrolled in the study. The diagnosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis will be based on the diagnostic criteria for pulmonary sarcoidosis recommended by the American Thoracic Society (ATS, 2020).

Subjects will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either OATD-01 or placebo for 12 weeks. A stratification of the study population based on previous treatment status for sarcoidosis (previously treated/treatment-naïve) will be applied for statistical analysis without limitation for the ratio between the subject groups. Double-blind conditions will be kept for the whole treatment duration.


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Mayo AVC Registry and Biobank

Status: Recruiting

Location: Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Conditions: Mayo Clinic in Rochester


Rochester, Minnesota

Contact Information:

Nicholas Wozniak
507 2558794
[email protected]

Anwar A Chahal, Ph.D.
[email protected]

Brief Summary:

Arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy (AVC) is a genetic condition which affects the heart and can lead to heart failure and rhythm problems, of which, sudden cardiac arrest or death is the most tragic and dangerous. Diagnosis and screening of blood-relatives is very difficult as the disease process can be subtle, but sufficient enough, so that the first event is sudden death.

The Mayo Clinic AVC Registry is a collaboration between Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA and Papworth Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals, Cambridge, UK. The investigators aim to enroll patients with a history of AVC or sudden cardiac death which may be due to AVC, from the US and UK. Family members who are blood-relatives will also be invited, including those who do not have the condition. Data collected include symptoms, ECG, echocardiographic, MRI, Holter, loop recorder, biopsies, exercise stress testing, blood, buccal and saliva samples.

Objectives of the study:

    1. Discover new genes or altered genes (variants) which cause AVC
    2. Identify biomarkers which predict (2a) disease onset, (2b) disease progression, (2c) and the likelihood of arrhythmia (ventricular, supra-ventricular and atrial fibrillation)
    3. Correlate genotype with phenotype in confirmed cases of AVC followed longitudinally using clinical, electrocardiographic and imaging data.
    4. Characterize desmosomal changes in buccal mucosal cells with genotype and validate with gold-standard endomyocardial biopsies

Detailed Description:

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) accounts for over 360,000 deaths in the US and 400,000 in Europe per annum, including thousands under the age of 40 who die unexpectedly and without warning. Whilst the majority of SCAs are triggered by heart attacks, in those under the age of 40 years this tends to be due to genetic heart disease, which if identified early may save lives of other family members. Epidemiological and post-mortem studies have shown arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy (AVC) as a leading cause of SCA, responsible for up to 25% of deaths in this age group.

AVC is a highly clinically and genetically heterogeneous condition, which results in fibro-fatty replacement of myocardium which may lead to ventricular dysfunction, heart failure, electrical rhythm disturbances and SCD. Although AVC predominantly affects the right ventricle (ARVC), it can affect both the right and left ventricle, or the LV in isolation (ALVC) and result in a type of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) with a propensity for arrhythmia (aDCM). Recent reports of aDCM with a familial distribution suggests this is undiagnosed AVC, reflecting heterogeneity and limited understanding. AVC is considered a disease of the desmosome (cell-adhesion proteins) and this has led to identification of desmosomal mutations (plakoglobin, plakophilin-2, desmoplakin, desmoglein-2 and desmocollin), mostly inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. Non-desmosomal genes have also been discovered (desmin, titin, RYR2, transforming growth factor -3, transmembrane protein 43 and phospholamban). Together, these only account for 50-60% of known AVc-related mutations, with the remainder being genetically undetermined. Additionally, multiple mutations also exist within families and within individuals further compounding the complexity of AVC. Inter and intra-familial variability is inexplicable with current knowledge, and suggests epigenetic and environmental factors contributing to phenotype. Disease expression is highly variable even amongst members of the same family with the same mutation making clinical detection and cascade screening a challenge. Finally, predicting which patients are at risk of SCD who have AVC or may have AVC is difficult and potentially lethal. Since SCD can be the first lethal and tragic manifestation of the disease, optimizing screening strategies is of paramount importance. The long-term goals of this program are to leverage our well-phenotyped cohort of patients with AVC at Mayo Clinic and Papworth Hospital, University of Cambridge, enroll others and to discover novel pathogenic variants, correlate genotype with phenotype, and develop robust screening tools for the diagnosis of AVC and preventing SCD.

Overall hypothesis: that the onset of AVC can be reliably and accurately predicted in first-degree relatives of index cases using genetic, electrocardiographic (ECG) and imaging data.

Aim #1: Identify novel candidate genes and variants associated with AVC (including cases involving the right, left and the dilated cardiomyopathy types). This aim will be accomplished using next generation sequencing of probands-family member trios “genomic familial triangulation” approach and an innovative bioinformatics, statistical, and systems based biology approach.

Aim #2: Correlate genotype with phenotype in confirmed cases of AVC followed longitudinally using clinical, ECG and imaging data to 2a. predict disease onset; 2b. predict disease progression; and 2c. predict the likelihood of arrhythmia (ventricular, supra-ventricular and atrial fibrillation).

Aim #3: Combine registries from the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA and Papworth Hospital, University of Cambridge, UK, to study longitudinal data and correlate genotype with phenotype.

Aim #4: Characterize desmosomal changes in buccal mucosal cells with genotype and validate with gold-standard endomyocardial biopsies.

Project approval:

This study is approved by the Mayo Clinic IRB and Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for collation of existing data to develop the registry.

New directions for the project will seek appropriate approval by the IRB of each site in due course.

Recruitment strategy:

Patients who are already seen at Mayo Clinic Rochester and Papworth Hospital sites will be enrolled, provided research authorization is active. A HIPPA waiver has been approved as the registry collates existing data. Standard Mayo Clinic policy is to inform patients that clinical data can be utilized for research purposes, and patients are asked to specifically decline research authorization if they wish to opt out. A similar system is in place at Papworth Hospital.

For specific aims which require blood or other bio-specimens for the biobank, a separate IRB will be utilized and this requires a signed consent form.

Baseline data includes but is not limited to the following, at index presentation or screening visit for first-degree relatives:

      • Baseline demographics
      • Clinical history
      • Examination findings including features suggestive of cardio-cutaneous syndromes etc.
      • Family history of at least 3 generations. An online tool will be utilized for generating a pedigree (
      • Serial ECG data (12-lead, signal-averaged and Brugada protocols)
      • Continuous ECG monitoring data (Holter, extended-Holter, event recorders, implantable loop recorders etc.)
      • Imaging data (echocardiography, cardiac MRI, cardiac CT)
      • Cardiopulmonary exercise testing or exercise stress testing
      • Questionnaires on exercise capacity, activities of daily living (these will be approved by the IRB if self-completed by patients)
      • Cardiac catheterization data
      • Existing genotyping data (including methods used)
      • Where available, endomyocardial biopsy data

For clinical follow-up visits and screening follow-up of first-degree relatives, in addition to those test above, the following will be collected:

      • Cardiac implantable electronic devices data
      • Cardiac electrophysiology studies, and where catheter ablation delivered, this will be recorded

Biobank for genotyping and novel variant discovery:

Current guidelines recommend genetic testing for index cases and blood-relatives. Where this is performed and available, this will be collected.

Probands and their blood-relatives will be invited to participate in this optional component of the study. Blood, saliva and buccal scrapings will be collected from probands and blood relatives, to identify current pathogenic variants associated with AVC, and to discover novel variants.

Biobank for novel biomarker discovery:

Blood will be stored at baseline and subsequent visits to test for known blood-biomarkers of disease progression (such as high-sensitivity cardiac troponins, natriuretic peptides, high-sensitivity CRP and cytokines). Blood will also be stored for high throughput ‘omics (transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics) to identify novel biomarkers which reflect disease progression, prognostication and crucially help illuminate new biological pathways.

Annual Clinical Assessment:

Most patients with AVC are followed-up annually or more frequently dependent upon symptoms. At each follow-up an ECG and/or Holter is usually performed. The investigators will ensure each site performs this consistently. Data generated will be used for the registry. In addition, investigators may contact patients by telephone to assess symptoms (following IRB approval).

Follow-up at every 3-year interval:

Clinical guidelines for screening first-degree relatives recommend follow-up approximately every 3 years, as phenotype expression can be delayed (with the exception of familial cases where a pathogenic variant has been identified, and the blood-relative is negative). Thus, this time period has been chosen for subsequent follow-up visits, where patients will be re-assessed by 2010 Task Force Criteria for evidence of AVC. This follow-up visit will include:

      • Clinical history
      • Examination
      • ECG (12-lead and signal-averaged)
      • Holter monitoring
      • Repeat cardiac MRI
      • Exercise testing (CPET or treadmill)

It is our objective to continue this registry indefinitely, in order to capture adequate event rates for valid and accurate modelling to predict disease progression.

Data Collation and Management:

The investigators will use the REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) tool for completion of case report forms at enrollment and follow-up visits (link to a demonstration website The servers are based in-house at Mayo Clinic, with access only provided to approved study personnel. No personal identifiable information will be collated online. All cases will have a unique study ID, with the key to link each subject ID to patient identifiable data located at each site, and only available to the PIs and senior research personnel.

The data stored is considered confidential and will not be disclosed to any 3rd parties, with the exception of the participants clinical health-care providers responsible for the patient’s welfare.

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Cell Free DNA in Cardiac Sarcoidosis (cfDNA in CS)

Status: Recruiting

Location: University of Iowa

Conditions: University of Iowa


Iowa City, Iowa

Contact Information:

Brenda Werner, RN
(319) 353-8862
[email protected]

Brief Summary:Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease of unknown cause that can affect any organ in the body, including the heart. Granulomatous myocarditis can lead to ventricular dysfunction and ventricular arrhythmias causing significant morbidity and mortality. Immunosuppressive therapy (IST) has been shown to reverse active myocarditis and preserve left ventricular (LV) function and in some cases improve LV function. In addition, IST can suppress arrhythmias that develop due to active myocarditis and prevent the formation of scar.

The potential role of cardiac biomarkers, including brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), and cardiac troponins, in detecting active myocarditis is limited and studies have been disappointing. At present, there are no biomarkers to detect active myocarditis and the use of advanced imaging modalities (FDG-PET) for assessing and monitoring active myocarditis is not feasible or practical and is associate with high radiation exposure. As such, a biomarker that is reflective of active myocarditis and that is cardiac specific will assist physicians in assessing the presence of active myocarditis to guide therapeutic decisions and to assess response to therapy which can limit further cardiac damage.

Cell free DNA (cfDNA) are fragments of genomic DNA that are released into the circulation from dying or damaged cells. It is a powerful diagnostic tool in cancer, transplant rejection and fetal medicine especially when the genomic source differs from the host. A novel technique that relies on tissue unique CpG methylation patterns can identify the tissue source of cell free DNA in an individual reflecting potential tissue injury. We will be conducting a pilot study to explore the utility of this diagnostic tool to identify granulomatous myocarditis in patients with sarcoidosis.

Detailed Description:Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease of unknown cause that can affect any organ in the body, including the heart. Sarcoidosis results from an immune reaction to an environmental exposure to yet unknown antigen(s) in a genetically predisposed individual. Autopsy studies have suggested that cardiac involvement with sarcoidosis occurs in up to 25% of cases, although more than half of these cases are sub-clinical. Cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) CS can lead to life-threatening heart failure, heart block, or rhythm disturbance and accounts for 13-25% of all sarcoidosis deaths in the USA. Therefore, although respiratory failure from lung sarcoidosis is the most common cause of sarcoidosis-related death in the USA, sudden death from cardiac sarcoidosis is a major concern owing to its acute nature. CS can present in a multitude of ways. It can be the initial manifestation of sarcoidosis in an individual not known to have sarcoidosis (a cohort beyond the aims of this proposal), patients can present with cardiac symptoms which can include palpitations, near-syncope or syncopal episodes which require a complete workup for potential CS and patients can be asymptomatic which is a sizable cohort considering the discrepancy between the expected prevalence of CS (25-40%) and CS that is detected clinically (5%).

Granulomatous myocarditis can lead to ventricular dysfunction and ventricular arrhythmias causing significant morbidity and mortality. Immunosuppressive therapy (IST) has been shown to reverse active myocarditis and preserve left ventricular (LV) function and in some cases improve LV function. In addition, IST can suppress arrhythmias that develop due to active myocarditis and prevent the formation of scar. Cardiac MRI (cMRI) and cardiac PET scans are currently used as complementary diagnostic tests for cardiac sarcoidosis, although with some limitations. Cardiac MRI with gadolinium has a sensitivity of 76-100% and specificity of 78-92% for the diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis, but its use is limited in patients with implantable cardiac devices. The presence of delayed enhancement on gadolinium-enhanced MRI is suggestive of scar tissue formation. 18FDG PET uses radioactive glucose to detect areas of active inflammation. The use of 18FDG PET as a marker of active granulomatous myocarditis should be interpreted carefully as several studies have shown the limitations of such protocols that force the myocardium to generate energy using free fatty acid metabolism exclusively. In addition, studies have also shown that the presumed pathological patterns, focal and focal on diffuse uptake, are also seen in healthy controls and patients with ischemic congestive heart failure who have undergone 18-FDG-PET12 and that a blood glucose level of >7.5mmol/L (>137mg/dl) at the time of the study results in absent or minimal myocardial FDG activity.

The potential role of cardiac biomarkers, including brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), and cardiac troponins, in detecting active myocarditis is limited and studies have been disappointing. At present, there are no biomarkers to detect active myocarditis and the use of advanced imaging modalities (FDG-PET) for assessing and monitoring active myocarditis is not feasible or practical and is associate with high radiation exposure. As such, a biomarker that is reflective of active myocarditis and that is cardiac specific will assist physicians in assessing the presence of active myocarditis to guide therapeutic decisions and to assess response to therapy which can limit further cardiac damage.

Cell free DNA (cfDNA) are fragments of genomic DNA that are released into the circulation from dying or damaged cells. It is a powerful diagnostic tool in cancer, transplant rejection and fetal medicine especially when the genomic source differs from the host. A novel technique that relies on tissue unique CpG methylation patterns can identify the tissue source of cell free DNA in an individual reflecting potential tissue injury. A recent paper utilized this technique to identify cardiac specific cfDNA in the bloodstream of patients with acute myocardial injury and sepsis reflecting cardiomyocyte injury/death. We will be conducting a pilot study to explore the utility of this diagnostic tool to identify granulomatous myocarditis in patients with sarcoidosis.

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UTSW HP [13-C] Pyruvate Injection in HCM (HPHCM)

Status: Recruiting

Location: University of Texas Southwestern

Conditions: University of Texas Southwestern


Dallas, Texas

Contact Information:

Syed Ahsan
[email protected]

Egzona Tan, RN
Phone Number: 2146452726
Email: [email protected]

Brief Summary:
The study objective is to identify the earliest changes in energy substrate metabolism in patients with cardiomyopathies (CMP). To achieve this objective, we plan first to test the hypothesis that patients with CMP present focal alterations in myocardial hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate flux.
Detailed Description:

To measure the regional myocardial [1-13C]lactate to [13C]bicarbonate ratio as an index of mitochondrial oxidation and glycolysis coupling in the heart. Advanced cardiac MRI will be used to characterize cardiac morphology, function, myocardial blood flow and fibrosis.

Heart failure is a major source of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Multiple studies have demonstrated that development of heart failure is related to alteration in cardiac metabolism. Specifically, such changes include a shift from fatty acid oxidation to increased glucose utilization as energy source, with uncoupling of glycolysis and mitochondrial oxidation at the level of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. In human subject who were referred for LVAD placement, excised heart muscle samples exhibited significant increase in expression of pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) compared to subjects with normal LV function.

Additionally, mechanical unloading decreased PKM2 expression suggesting a correlation between pyruvate utilization and severity of heart failure. Such changes metabolic alterations appear to precede the actual structural changes and might be a possible target for future therapies, although the timeline of such changes remains to be elucidated. Currently, it is unknown whether different types of CMP have different metabolic signatures.

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