FDG-PET As an Imaging Modality to Diagnose and Risk Stratify Subclinical, Imaging Negative Ici-Myocarditis

FDG-PET As an Imaging Modality to Diagnose and Risk Stratify Subclinical, Imaging Negative Ici-Myocarditis

Status: Recruiting

Conditions: Myocarditis


Mayo Clinic in Rochester


Rochester, Minnesota

Contact Information:

Clinical Trials Referral Office
Phone Number:
Email: [email protected]

Brief Summary: The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate Fluorodeoxyglucose – Positron Emission Tomography (FDG-PET) as an imaging modality to diagnose and risk stratify subclinical, imaging negative ICI-myocarditis, and to determine whether subclinical ICI-induced myocarditis is a distinct and clinically relevant entity with a risk of progression to fulminant myocarditis.


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