What is “Giving Tuesday”?

Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Although the holiday shopping seems to start earlier and earlier, and it is usually done with giving the gifts to loved ones in mind, it seems like the goodwill of the holiday season fades into the background of it all. In 2012 two organizations joined forces to change that and created the first Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday has become a global day of giving to non-profit organizations.

Why donate to the Myocarditis Foundation?

We are a Gold Star rated non-profit charity, with transparency into our organizations financials, mission, goal, where we impact those who have been touched by myocarditis, our plan for the future, etc. Our administrative costs last year were 9.6 cents out of every dollar that was donated. This year we are down to 6 cents out of every dollar. So you see that our donations go almost totally to the mission and subsequent goal of the Myocarditis Foundation.

What is Myocarditis?

Myocarditis is considered a rare disease that attacks the heart muscle, and as a rare disease  was not taught in medical school. There are over 7,000 rare diseases in the world. No one thought they would ever see it in their medical practice.

However, since there has been more research into the disease of myocarditis (both Viral Myocarditis and Giant Cell Myocarditis), they are finding out that much of the Cardiomyopathy that was once considered to be idiopathic Cardiomyopathy, is now many times attributed to Viral Myocarditis that was subclinical in nature and thus never diagnosed. Myocarditis exhibits the same symptoms of many viral diseases and since they are the more common diagnosis to choose, that is how many cases are misdiagnosed as flu, asthma, pneumonia, stomach virus, etc. This opens the person to potentially developing cardiac arrhythmias and long term heart failure down the road.

What is our Mission and Goal?

Our mission is three fold:

  • Provide education to raise awareness to both the medical and public communities about Myocarditis
  • Raise money for funding of Research specific to Myocarditis
  • Emotionally support those that have been affected by Myocarditis

This is where your donation dollars are earmarked for. We educate doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, as well as the community on what is myocarditis, what to look for, and what to do once it is diagnosed. Early diagnosis is key to improved survival rates. Thus, knowledge is the key to early diagnosis. The key is to rule it out before you rule out everything else. If you wait to rule out everything else, which looks like an everyday viral syndrome, it is often too late and irreparable damage to the heart muscle has occurred.

Help the Myocarditis Foundation by choosing it as your charity to donate to on Giving Tuesday.

Simply go to our website, to Donate Now Page and learn more about what we do as the only Foundation in the world to help those with Myocarditis.

Or send your checks to:

The Myocarditis Foundation

3518 Echo Mountain Drive

Kingwood, Texas  77345-2030

Every dollar donated helps us get that much closer to finding a cure and saving lives.

Get in the true spirit of holiday giving by starting with donating to the Myocarditis Foundation on Giving Tuesday!  Thank you for helping to save a life of those that are so often blindsided by the disease.

Please DONATE to the Myocarditis Foundation. 

Contact Us

Contact Us

(281) 713-2962
800 Rockmead Drive, Suite 155
Kingwood, TX 77339
[email protected]

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Help Us End Suffering and Sudden Death from Myocarditis!

Donate to the Myocarditis Foundation Today!