The George Washington University Hospital

Diagnostic Yield of Intranodal Forceps Biopsies in Mediastinal Adenopathy

Status: Recruiting

Location: The George Washington University Hospital

Conditions: The George Washington University Hospital


Washington D.C.

Contact Information:

Khalil Diab, MD
[email protected]

Benjamin Delprete, DO
[email protected]

Brief Summary:
The investigators will compare endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) with intranodal forceps biopsy (EBUS-IFB) as it relates to the rate of diagnosis of suspected sarcoidosis.
Detailed Description:

This is prospective, single center randomized comparative study to determine the diagnostic yield and specimen quality of endobronchial ultrasound guided intranodal forceps biopsy of patients with suspected sarcoidosis based solely on imaging. This will be a single group study and will compare transbronchial needle aspiration via 19 or 21-gauge needle with intranodal forceps biopsy.

The study aims to answer a knowledge gap a as to whether the diagnostic yield and specimen quality of EBUS-TBNA with a 19G needle is less than those obtained by 1.9mm or greater intranodal forceps biopsy. The study proposed here will add to the field by further elucidating whether this procedure is beneficial for the diagnosis as it pertains to suspected sarcoidosis.

The anticipated required enrollment is 55 patients to achieve an α of 0.05 and β of 0.2. This assumes an unassisted diagnostic yield of 62.5% with standard of care EBUS-TBNA as reported in Ray et al, and a diagnostic supplementation to 80% yield with intranodal forceps biopsies.


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