Myocarditis, a disease that causes inflammation and damage to the heart muscle, is believed to account for anywhere from five to twenty percent of sudden deaths in the United States, yet most people have never heard of it. April is Myocarditis Awareness Month, a time to focus on informing the public about a disease typically unknown.

Although classified as a rare disease, there were an estimated 3 million diagnosed cases of myocarditis globally in 2017, and the condition often goes undiagnosed. The cardiovascular disease is caused by inflammation of the heart muscle, which weakens the organ. This causes scar tissue and forces the heart to work even harder to circulate blood and oxygen through the body. 

Many people believe cardiovascular issues are a problem only when you reach a certain age, but myocarditis affects young and healthy infants, children, and young adults. In fact, it most often affects otherwise active and healthy young people, and is the third leading cause of sudden death in young adults.

The Myocarditis Foundation was formed in 2005 to raise awareness about this disease, something that does not discriminate based on age or health. Although there is no cure, treatments are effective in the early stages if caught soon enough. The Foundation’s Mission is focused on three main goals: Providing up-to-date information to patients, their families, and medical professionals about myocarditis, supporting the scientific research and advancement of the disease’s treatment, and emotionally supporting those affected by the disease.

Thanks to our donors and volunteers, no one is alone in the fight against myocarditis. Join our fight against this deadly disease. Sign up for the Myocarditis Foundation newsletter for more information or make a donation today.

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(281) 713-2962
800 Rockmead Drive, Suite 155
Kingwood, TX 77339
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