Candace Moose, Giant Cell Myocarditis survivor due to a heart transplant and co-founder of the Myocarditis Foundation, wrote a beautiful and eloquent book tracking her experience of her heart transplant. Candace’s book, The Grateful Heart highlights the ups and downs of the journey of heart transplantation as well as how she addressed the big questions that come with a rare disease that leads from a near-death experience to the transplantation of a new heart. It is a beautiful read, one that can speak to anyone about the power of positive thought, close friends and family, and an amazing staff of medical professionals.
This heartfelt book will be re-released on October 22, 2014. The Myocarditis Foundation will be selling Candace’s book for $30, which includes shipping and a small donation to the Myocarditis Foundation. To order your book, simply email: [email protected] with your information and make a donation on our website for the book.
You can read a full review of The Grateful Heart here.