“Uncork with Love”

Saturday, September 16th was an amazing evening in Muncie, Indiana at the “Uncork With Love” Myo

carditis Awareness Event and Fundraiser conducted by The Honor Stride at the Tonne Winery.

Julie Smith, the Chairperson of the event, was a very close friend of Ashley Burgauer, who passed away on August 29, 2013 of Viral Myocarditis. To keep the memory of her friend alive, Julie started The Honor Stride, which raises funds for the Myocarditis Foundation.



“Uncork the Love” was the 4th annual event to raise funds for the Myocarditis Foundation. Not only did it raise awareness about Myocarditis, it was a relaxing evening with great live music under the stars for those who came out to support us. I’d like to thank them sincerely for their efforts and hard work in making the event a huge success.

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