Author page: myocarditisnew

The Myocarditis Foundation and AHA Partner for Second Year in a Row for Research Grant Funding

The Myocarditis Foundation and AHA Partner for Second Year in a Row for Research Grant Funding

The Myocarditis Foundation has partnered with the American Heart Association to co-sponsor a two-year research fellowship grant, to be awarded to an individual working to advance the understanding of the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of myocarditis.  Applications are open on May 15th, 2013 and the grant will be awarded in December of 2013.

The Myocarditis Foundation Visits Capitol Hill

The Myocarditis Foundation Visits Capitol Hill

The Myocarditis Foundation attended the Rare Disease Legislation Advocates (RDLA) annual Conference and Lobby Day in Washington D.C.

"Attendees at RDLA annual Conference and Lobby Day in Washington D.C. "
L.M. shares the story of her daughter who was lost to myocarditis.

This conference was open to rare disease organizations and their families to learn more about the legislative process and options organizations have to get their voice heard on Capitol Hill.

A Night to Remember Brad Vanness Fundraiser

A Night to Remember Brad Vanness Fundraiser

On Saturday, February 9th the Vanness family held the fundraiser “A Night to Remember Brad Vanness”, and again it was an incredible success and a true showing of what a close-knit community is capable of when coming together to honor and remember such a well-loved individual.

Brad Vanness passed away from suddenly from cardiac arrhythmia due to myocarditis on April 18th, 2010 and was just 27 years old.  Myocarditis struck this beloved man and left his friends and family at a loss for why this happened to Brad, and wondering what exactly is this horrible disease that takes young healthy people so suddenly and unexpectedly.

The Myocarditis Foundation Awards Two Research Grants in 2012

The Myocarditis Foundation Awards Two Research Grants in 2012


The Myocarditis Foundation is pleased to announce that it will be funding two research fellowship grants for the 2013/14 grant cycle.  The Myocarditis Foundation will be funding a research grant awarded to Dr. Chandirasegaran Massilamany of the University of Lincoln in the amount of $35,000 and have co-sponsored a grant with the American Heart Association awarded to Brian Avanzino of the University of California Davis in the amount of $50,000, half of which will be funded by the Myocarditis Foundation.

Thank You for 2012 Success!

Thank You for 2012 Success!

The Myocarditis Foundation would like to thank all of our families, friends, researchers, clinicians, professionals, and staff who helped to make our 2012 such a successful year.  The Myocarditis had the following successes in 2012, all thanks to our wonderful supporters:

  • Awarded two research fellowship grants
  • Held our first Myocarditis Foundation Research Event in Chicago, IL.  It consisted of a symposium for medical professionals, a research collaboration session, our first face-to-face board meeting, and allowed for families to come and share their stories with the board and researchers
  • Attended and supported the International Symposium on Inflammatory Heart Disease in Marburg, Germany.
  • Created our new and beautiful website
  • Held four successful Myocarditis Foundation fundraising events
  • Received donations from hundreds of individuals and family fundraisers (thank you so much!)
  • Created two new brochures, written for medical professionals on myocarditis and pediatric myocarditis
  • Received two grants: one from St. Jude Medical Foundation, and one from Asahi Medical
  • Was featured in the March edition of the magazine Runner’s World (thank you M.A. for making that possible!)
  • Began efforts in political activism, working to bring awareness and funding to myocarditis and its research
  • Began efforts of international outreach, focusing on Europe, Asia, and Africa.


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(281) 713-2962
800 Rockmead Drive, Suite 155
Kingwood, TX 77339
[email protected]

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